If you want the super short version, head over to my last post. As you can see, I conveniently omitted the "after a breakup" part. That's because we sometimes need to get over people we didn't break up with. Other times, the people we break up with are friends or family members, not necessarily someone we date or marry. Other times, we break up with an idea or lose something big and important to us. Yes, breaking up with people feels much more complex and emotionally challenging, but don't ignore the importance of meaningful non-people loss, like jobs, dreams, and assets we've worked hard for.
In this post, I'll add more nuances and speak about breakups with people. I'll expand on the tips and add some details to help you gain an emotional understanding of the process and consequences. Most people don't fully get over their someone(s) and carry the residue into future relationships. Remember, the pros cleanse their palate between wines to truly appreciate the new flavors. Be a pro, not the person going to a winetasting to get drunk.
People die, lie, and otherwise disappoint us, leave us, or we leave them. Eventually, every human has to let go of another human. We all will say goodbye forever many times. It's a shame no one prepares us and teaches us how to do this right. Given that loss is inevitable, we all could've been training for it.
Here's what to do:
(To end positively, I've included some pictures from my hike with Lulu last Saturday.)