Happy Leap 2024. It means you have an extra day to do something fun! What would it be?
May the best day of your 2023 be the worst one in 2024! And always remember to forget the things that made you sad 😊
I’ve got several intriguing topics for you in the next few weeks. Starting this Wednesday, “Unlock your hidden potential.” That’s because I know you’ve got some New Year’s resolutions. And I know you’ll break them. And I know you’ll say you won’t. So, I am going to help you not embarrass yourself by mid-February.
Here are some other ones to look forward to:
Is it OK to procrastinate?
A look into languishing and what to do about it.
On beating boredom and living your best life
And all sorts of other things….
If you really want your 2024 to be the year of your dreams, you need Life Intelligence! Subscribe and thrive!