I have dealt with controlling people, both benign and intemperate, over the years. Each time, the relationship ended with my cutting the person off and deleting them from my life. I regret nothing, except the brief time and energy they took from me. Most importantly, I recognize the warning signs and now take heed.

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Good for you. I've done the same. We don't have to be friends with everyone. It's a little trickier with relatives, but we can definitely limit contact even with them.

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Thanks for reading and your comment. Gentrification is even more touchy of a subject when one considers the need for affordable housing. I think the videos did a great job offering an uncommon perspective.

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Gentrification is a touchy subject for sure. Its funny, was back in my hometown recently - my grade school is no longer there, it was leveled to put in an additional runway for an ever expanding airport. I felt a twinge, as though a piece of me was gone. Change is a difficult thing for people to come to grips with, it would be easier if it were always change for the better - but that is no guarantee with gentrification. In my city they are tearing down aged houses with solid foundations, all wood floors, copper pipes, etc .... and putting up nice looking stucco apartments. All image, no Substance ...typical America

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Feb 19, 2022
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Haha. OK. I can try.

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