I did not mean to restack this without a note. I wish I could figure out how to delete it.

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I don’t feel great reading this.

Some of the things you say feel inconsiderate, though of course you acknowledge that you have no children as well as other things in your favor that not everyone else has.

Yes, time, income, children/no children, are things that many people in the US don’t have a lot of flexibility with.

Other things that may be inflexible or unavailable: access to affordable healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables; good education about nutrition; good education period; physical health.

There are also plenty of people who are simply ok with their weight, whatever it is, and choose not to spend time, money, or other resources on watching everything they eat.

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In February, I happened by a store that piqued my curiosity, as it LOOKED like a coffee shop. In fact, it was an Herbalife distributor, run by a health coach. I signed on for his services, went on his diet and exercise plan, and have shed thirty pounds in three months, satisfying his expectations of me- less bulk, lower BMI, and far less visceral fat-plus shedding ten years off my Metabolic Age. The whole idea is not to "become a chick-magnet", his rather lame description of the benefit derived. At 72, that is highly unlikely, and besides, I'm not financially all that well-off-comfortable, and that's it.

Having children is not for everyone-we had one child, raised him properly and he is still one of my best friends-doing well in life.

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Wow! What a fortuitous encounter! And that's a LOT of weight! Good for you.

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I have never regretted not having children! I do however regret my choices in dining as of late. Where I have great discipline in some areas, the food thing is a problem. I eat well, but in the end it is the sugar that gets me.

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